# What are workflows?

Follow a guided tutorial to build your first workflow here.

Workflows make it easy to integrate your apps, data, and APIs — all with no servers or infrastructure to manage!

  • Workflows are composed of code that is organized and executed as a sequence of linear steps.

  • Trigger your workflow on any event (e.g., HTTP requests or a schedule).

  • Add steps to run Node.js code (using virtually any npm package) and prebuilt actions.

  • Steps are executed in the order they appear in your workflow.

  • Export values for each step and access them via the steps object.

Workflow code is private by default, but you can make the code of any workflow public so the community can discover and copy it. If you make the code of a workflow public, your workflow execution and event data will still remain private.

# Get started

It takes less than 5 minutes to write your first workflow. Sign in to get started.

Still have questions?

Please reach out if this doc didn't answer your question. We're happy to help!